What’s new with VBX 2.32

We at Lumel are proud to announce our latest version of VBX for SAP Lumira Designer - VBX 2.32, with many new features. In case you missed the previous VBX release highlights, please refer to the below links: VBX 2.3 VBX 2.2 The following is a quick summary of all the...

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VBX – Time Slicer for Lumira Designer

One of the most constant dimensions on any dashboard is the time dimension. The time dimension gives relevance for a metric. In many cases, the same measure gets sliced in different time buckets to be analyzed differently. The time dimension also offers us unique...

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Layout Friendly VBX Charts for Lumira Designer

When using Lumira Designer, one of the major problems that the dashboard designers face is optimum usage of the dashboard canvas. When lots of data points are to be displayed in a limited amount of space, the chart is cluttered with points making it hard to...

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